First Line:
Rudy Francisco explores form like no other in his third collection. He offers explanations and insight for each form before making it his own.
Rudy, in these different forms, explores different topics such as love, life, and identity. He tells a story within each poems that translates into a bigger picture.
This is, hands down, my favorite collection from Rudy. Something I really enjoyed about this book was his use of different form, and including his own personal experiences learning how to use it.
The book is broken off into sections based off poetry form, and Rudy explains how he learned about each form, his struggles learning, and how he overcame those struggles. I resonated with his insight, and it made me (as a reader) feel more connected with the author.
As a poet and an author I believe that this book discusses valuable life lessons, and valuable poetic advice for those looking to explore poetry in all its glory. Absolutely amazing book from my favorite poet!
My Favorite Quote(s):
“… one punch through a wall, but you can’t fix the hole until you open your hands.”
“The flag still mispronounces your name, but it is getting closer.”
“I was only ten years old, but I must have smelled like I worked all day, like a whole shift with no breaks.”
Page Count
120 Pages
Date Finished:
September 19th 2024
Book Genre: