It is now October! How are we feeling about 2024 so far?
This has been one of the slowest reading years for me, but I'm slowly trying to get back into it! Here are the books I read in September with my reviews (spoiler-free of course).
Turbulent Waves: Enigmatic Micro-Writes Cast Ashore During a Global Pandemic by Verde Mar (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️)
Excuse Me As I Kiss The Sky by Rudy Francisco (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Wars of Fate: Book 3 by Jinapher J. Hoffman (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Insomnia by Stephen King (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Turbulent Waves: Enigmatic Micro-Writes Cast Ashore During a Global Pandemic by Verde Mar (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Book Summary: Broken down into thirteen sections or "elements," Verde Mar dives into what it means to be human with their provocative word choice. This collection of micro writes explores each element in detail, unearthing different stages of poetry and meaning.
My Review: Like all great poetry collections, this one should be read slowly. I bought this book a while back and put it off because I wanted to take in each poem FULLY, and I am so glad I did!
Verde is a master of line breaks and soothing poetry. I thoroughly enjoyed each of the elements (aka chapters) and each poem within. This collection is more than worth picking up, whether it is to read at once or to read over a long period.!

Excuse Me As I Kiss The Sky by Rudy Francisco (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Book Summary: In his third installment, Rudy Francisco explores poetry in all its forms.
Broken into sections according to different forms, Rudy Francisco expands on his path of discovery. He explains each form and tells a story, literally and figuratively. He dives into how he discovered each form of poetry and follows up with works of his own.
This collection is educative, immersive, and demanding of the readers attention.
My Review: This is, hands down, my favorite collection from Rudy. Something I enjoyed about this book was his use of different forms and including his personal experiences learning how to use it.
The book is broken off into sections based on poetry form, and Rudy explains how he learned about each form, his struggles learning, and how he overcame those struggles. I resonated with his insight, and it made me (as a reader) feel more connected with the author.
As a poet and an author, I believe that this book discusses valuable life lessons and valuable poetic advice for those looking to explore poetry in all its glory. Amazing book from my favorite poet!

Wars of Fate: Book 3 by Jinapher J. Hoffman (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Book Summary: Null wants to take, and Zora does not give willingly.
The darkness inside her has always been there, sitting somewhere in the back of her skull, and Null wants it back. Not when the Estal Kingdom is burning, not when her bond with Christen is thinning. Instead, she is hell-bent on claiming the darkness for herself, to save everyone she has come to care for.
My Review: A Bittersweet End
I have always been a fan of endings like this. It is not the happy ending you hope for, but you get just enough content to keep you satisfied.
I will be honest, I put this book down a number of times. I found it hard to get through, but ultimately I am glad I got to see the end of the story. Overall great trilogy ❤️

Insomnia by Stephen King (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Book Summary: Ralph Roberts hasn't slept well since his wife died.
He has been sleeping less and less every night. He is sure it is the lack of sleep that riddles him with visions as he walks around Derry, Maine. When the line between reality and dreams becomes more blurred, Ralph becomes less convinced this is the work of his insomnia.
As he worries for his sleep, Derry is transforming. One that brings the bad guys to light.
My Review: screams into pillow
You know when you take a really long time to start reading a book? And you fall in and out of reading it, but when you get to the MEAT of the story, you almost feel like you're running out of time?
I've been reading this book for MONTHS and I am so glad I finished because what the actual heck! SO GOOD!
There's something very addictive about Kings writing. It's extremely slow paced with fine details that immerse you into the story, but when it picks up, it picks up. I also loved the themes of this book: grief, politics, sacrifice, love, insanity, etc. I really enjoyed this one, just proves why King is one of my favorite authors. Highlyyy recommend!