First Line:
"Loyalty. One word. Three syllables. Seven letters. Zero meaning."
Tristan Faasa, scarred by the hand of his brother, Michael Faasa, who sits on the throne seeks revenge as he leads the rebellion to steal the throne back.
Sara Beatreaux, betrothed to Michael Faasa, seeks revenge for a close death, planning to wipe out the Faasa name and all who claim it.
Meant to kill each other, Tristan and Sara fall into a forbidden relationship while trying to keep in character, but it becomes increasingly difficult as their relationship becomes too strong to ignore.
I don’t have enough words for this book. I am left speechless.
Adventure? Yes. Romance? Yes. Hot and steamy temptation? Triple yes!
Tristan and Sara are absolutely made for each other and no one can tell me otherwise! Tristan's utter passion and desire had me swooning the entire story. Coupled with Sara's determination and raw strength, these two are the ultimate power couple. The quotes that I saved from this book are also absolutely amazing, and so well said. I have not had such an exciting read in a very long time. I loved the plot, the deception, the grit and blood of it, everything! So well done (and I'm so glad this book is standalone)!
My Favorite Quote(s):
"That’s the thing about resentment. It grows and wraps around every piece of you like ivy, feeding off the anger until it’s so enmeshed that it becomes you. A living, breathing, pulsating incarnation of hatred."
"Is it possible to be jealous of God? Because when his name leaves her lips, I want to slit my wrists and fly up to his kingdom, just to burn it to the ground."
“I would scourge the earth if I thought it would erase you from my brain.”
Page Count
388 Pages
Date Finished:
March 7th, 2023
Book Genre:
Romance, Fantasy, Dark, Retellings, Adult, Fantasy Romance, Contemporary, New Adult, Historical Romance, Historical