First Line:
Tragedy, growth, and a little bit of hope, Michelle's collection has it all. With her clever utilization of space, she touches upon all the formidable topics that can't be spoken with regular words. Instead, she weaves them upon the stars.
You know when you pick up a book, you start reading the first few pages, and you think to yourself “this is going to be good”?
That was the FIRST poem in this book for me. I have been reading Michelle’s work often on social media and she continues to blow me away every single time, but this? This is a whole other creature in itself.
Grief, regret, love, wanting, and so many other emotions are wrapped up in this beautifully written book, and I encourage anyone and everyone to read it. Also, the art?! Loved the symmetry between the words and the artwork. So well done!
My Favorite Quote(s):
"I slammed my body into yours trying to make magic and came away with apathy"
Page Count
126 Pages
Date Finished:
September 13, 2023
Book Genre: