First Line:
Someone was trying to break into my apartment.
Rosie Graham is going through a lot. She just quit her corporate job to become a romance writer, the ceiling of her apartment collapsed, and now she's living in her best friend Lina's apartment while she's away.
Without knowing Lina had already promised her apartment to her cousin Lucas. The cousin that Rosie had casually been stalking on social media for months. Lucas is the prince charming she's always made him out to be, and is set on assisting her by offering to share the small apartment. For Rosie, this means resisting his delicious Spanish compliments, his smile, small touches, and overall charm.
Unfortunately, Lucas' time in New York has an expiration date.
Why do I put myself through this grief?
Because in the end, it’s all worth it.
This book tore me apart and put me back together again just to do it all over again. Lucas and Rosie are IT! I loved their chemistry, all of those intense moments between them had me speed-reading and reminding myself to take a breath. I loved seeing them sacrifice and woo each other through the course of the story.
The only minuscule gripe I had was the setup in the beginning. It seemed like a strange situation, but once the story started picking up it was genuinely a thing of the past!
So good!
My Favorite Quote(s):
“You’re a sight, Rosie. A fucking sight. Like a mirage. An illusion. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to see you?”
Page Count
397 Pages
Date Finished:
September 17, 2023
Book Genre:
Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Romance, Fiction, Adult, Chick Lit, Audiobook, New Adult, Love, Adult Fiction