If you're an avid reader like me and utilize digital forms of books, you know that certain apps can help the process much easier. Some of these apps even help me when reading physical books!
Some of these you may have heard, but let's talk about Amazon Kindle, Amazon, Audible, and Goodreads.

Well known for its extensive amount of books, adjustable settings, and portability, the kindle app is a must-have for readers on the go. There are so many different features that come with Kindle. Of course, you do need an amazon account (which we'll talk about in a second), but here are some features that you can have access to with Kindle (where some features need to be paid for).
Prime Reading
Kindle Unlimited
Stores up to 1400 books
The ability to adjust text size, font, and display
Magazines and newspapers are also available
Amazon is a perfect way to get books, in any and all forms. Although I love having a good stroll in Barnes & Noble, some books can be pretty expensive. Amazon is a great way to get books for a little cheaper, and they deliver!
Depending on the book, you can get audiobooks, paperback, hardcover, or e-books. If you use the Kindle app, you'll find that the prices are a lot more manageable. I love adding books to my Goodreads and later finding them on Amazon to buy. Super easy and convenient (and with Prime, shipping is free).

If you're busy or always on the move, it might be a little harder to find the time to sit down and read a good book. Or, it may be hard to be fully immersed in the book. For those that have this problem, audiobooks may be a great option!
Audible, a company under Amazon, allows you to download audiobooks for your listening pleasure! You can listen to these books over Wi-Fi or mobile data. You can also multitask as you listen to your audiobook, which means that you can still work, do chores, and take care of whatever your to-do list has.

I cannot vouch enough for Goodreads, so give me a moment to gush!
Goodreads is an app that will let you keep track of your books. This means books you want to read, books you're reading, or books you've already read. As someone who reads constantly, this app has saved my life. You can search books via barcode (as the app has a scanner), or you can type in the author/name. There, you can read the book's description, see if it's part of a series, and buy the book with provided links. This app allows you to add the book as something you want to read, are reading, or already read. When you're done, you can rate the book and review it within the app!
Something I also really love about Goodreads is that you can connect with other people. You can see what your friends are reading, and you can also join groups where you can discuss with other readers!
Hopefully, this has been helpful, and I hope that you check these apps out!